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Schwarzenegger orders more renewable energy …. Distracting the Public

As LA Times reported in the Schwarzenegger orders more renewable energy — his way , Gov Schwarzenegger is going to veto the  new bill moving the requirement for California power companies to produce a percentage of power from renewables. This is all sources from California original Global Warming Law, AB 32, passed in 2006 and set a precedent for many governments in the world.

What the LA Times and others are missing is the core problems we’re facing with these mandates.

  1. The original goal was for California power to have 20% renewable production capacity by 2010. They were not meeting that deadline, so they went to the California legislature and got it changed to 35% by 2020.
  2. The Gov. Schwarzenegger does not like this change (based on the limits for where the power is produced) and vetos the bill, signing an executive order instead.

What we have is a hand waving exercise with weak leadership. If you set a deadline and companies cannot meet that deadline then change the deadline.

This article was posted on Wednesday, September 16th, 2009 at 9:39 am You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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